I met Silvia some years ago when both were been living in London. Our relationship was very special since the begining. I rember lots of things about her, as the very first time I saw her sitting down in the livingroom wearing her white blouse. She couldn't speak English, and our way of communication was interesting, she spoke in Italian (she is) and I spoke in Spanish... jejeje... We were spoken in that way almost all the months we were living at Janet's. I remember all nights chating in my bedroom with our loved cup of tea. But the most I remember is when she was eating plums! She used to love fruits there, and for this reason I wanted to make a special present for her.
I have to tell you all that Silvia speaks a great English nowadays, and I am very proud of her!
In the other side I am very proud of myself (ji ji ji...), I made this "eaten" apple and the half orange without pattern! Some years ago I couldn't make a stitch! Sometimes I cannot believe that I can crochet all these things :O!
If you have a dream and you work hard you can get it for sure!
M'han agradat totes molt! Sobretot la mitja taronja, te un munt de detalls.
ResponEliminaEspero poder veure noves figures d'aquí poc.
Fins aviat!
Moltíssimes gràcies Àlex, me n'alegro que t'hagi agradat!
EliminaEn pocs dies espero tenir penjades noves creacions!