dissabte, 2 de setembre del 2017

MausCrochet in London

St. Pancras International

Last April - 2 to 7 - (14 years and 2 months later from my first as a student) I did my second Erasmus, but now as a professional.

I "repeated" in Regent's University of London (it was very touching but also very beneficial, and I could live the two sides of the institution, as a student and as a professional), and I "discovered" Queen Mary University of London (I learned a lot a lot a lot, I felt like home, it was very intense and interesting, and I love the "old" Campus).

As a curiosity I learned that both universities are connected by the Regent's Canal, walking for aprox 2h and 30 minuts. 

After work, I enjoyed to walk around areas that I didn't know yet, and as always, London never disappoints you. (Pictures follows).

I could explain thousands and thousands of things about this amazing experience, but it is better if I stop here (jejeje) (some vegan tips and other info are given below).

I am deeply grateful to have been given this opportunity. I enjoyed every second of the experience. I improved myself as a professional and as a person.

 And once more (even they know) I want to thank to all the people who helped me in every stage of my grant: my colleagues (they stand me a lot), my family (for their support there) and -very special- to all those who received me in QMUL and RUL and treated me so kindly.


Regent's Canal ft. Maus and my Urbanita backpack

Barges in Regent's Canal in front of Mile End Park

A beautiful door
(I do love English usual stuff)

Jewish Cementery at Mile End (English Heritage)
Queen's Building in Mile End (Main Campus)

Clock Tower

Mile End Road


Inside the building (Maus is gone 😯!!)

Close to Queen Mary's Rose Garden (Inner Circle)

The Japanese Garden Island (Inner Circle)

Entrance to Inner Circle
Just in front of the RUL main Building

Entrance to Inner Circle

Inside Regent's Park

York Bridge

I love this city: a walk around my unknown London

Russel Square

Russell Square

Bloomsbury Square

The British Museum
(Yes! I already knew the British Museum 😌
but I had to take this pic)

Marchmont Street

Typical London Entrance

Mecklenburgh Street

Euston Road

St. Pancras Renaissance Hotel London

British Library

Brunswick Center

Where you can eat in London if you are a vegan

Itsu (*)
Health Food Center (**)

Aquí alguna recomendación para comer en Londres. Cabe destacar que en casi todos los sitios (restaurantes o supermercados) se puede distinguir fácilmente la comida vegana/vegetariana (o cualquier opción especial alimentaria).
  • Kitchen Pizza: pizzería muy cerca del Campus de Mile End (QMUL), fue una comida agradable en muy buena compañía. Me indicaron que podían hacer la pizza vegana porque la hacen al momento y tu eliges los ingredientes.
  • Healt Food Center (**): vegetariano. Fui porque salía en HappyCow. Bueno y mucha cantidad. Buen precio. Muy amables. Cerca de Regent's Park (RUL) viniendo de St. Pancras.
  • Pret-a-Manger: tienen diversas opciones veganas (hace no muchos años no tenían nada). La cadena está por todo Londres, incluso en Gatwick Airport.
  • Itsu (*): no recuerdo si alguna vez había entrado a Itsu antes, pero no está mal para ser una cadena de comida rápida (ya está por toda la ciudad). Hay que vigilar porque sí indica que es vegetariano pero no vegano, pero mirando los ingredientes de cada cajita puedes ver si es vegan o no. La sopa de miso (la más sencilla) es vegana, barata y buena. Tip: 30 minutos antes de cerrar cada tienda (tienen horarios diferentes) las cajitas de comida preparada las ponen a mitad de precio.
  • Sainsbury's: la fruta cortada es bastante potable, y se puede encontrar también comida rápida para llevar (por ejemplo pasta o ensaladas u olivas). Este supermercado está por casi toda la ciudad (aunque también están Tesco o Waitrose o M&S Food, y seguro que también hay comida rápida vegana).

Cats are always on my life

The Brunswick Center
(near St Pancras)

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